Roadmap for Beginners in.
➤ HTML ➤ CSS➊ HTML Topics (Basics)
➀ HTML Page Structure
➁ Elements, Tags & Attributes
➂ Empty/Void Element
➃ Heading Elements
h1 to h6
➄ Paragraph Elements
p, br etc.
➅ Container Elements
div, span etc.
➆ Form Based Elements
form, input, textarea, select,
button, datalist, etc.
➇ Text Semantics
b, i, u, sub, sup,
small, strong, em, q, abbr, etc.
➈ Text Blocks
blockquote, address
➉ Hyperlink
➀➀ Image
alt, max-width, aspect-ratio
➀➁ Lists
ordered, unordered
➀➂ Table
➀➃ Semantic Elements
header, footer, nav, etc.
➀➄ id and, class attributes
➀➅ Including Stylesheets
➀➆ Including JavaScript Files
➀➇ Setting FavIcon
➀➈ Setting Title
➋ CSS Topics (Basics)
➀ Box Model
➁ selectors and, combinators
➂ border, margin, padding, and outline
➃ border-radius
➄ background
➅ colors
simple, gradient, alpha transparency
➆ fonts
➇ display
block, inline, inline-block, etc.
➈ position
relative, absolute, etc.
➉ dimension
top, left, height, width,
max-width, aspect-ratio, etc.
➀➀ float
➀➁ overflow
➀➂ z-index
➌ CSS Topics (Medium)
➀ Specificity
➁ pseudo classes, elements
➂ opacity
➃ filter
➄ clip-path
➅ mask
➆ transform
➇ media
➈ Flex Box Layout
➉ Grid Layout
➀➀ animation
➀➁ transition
➍ HTML Topics (Medium)
➀ figure
➁ audio
➂ video
➃ map
➄ object
➅ embed
➎ Advanced Topics
➁ Accessibility
➂ Responsiveness
➃ Performance
Faisal Hassan